Services for Our Clients
Work closely with non-profit leadership to assess human resources, staffing, and other needs
Human Resources compliance strategies and cost-effective solutions
Staffing strategies for the organization’s professional and support staff
Effective position descriptions
Identifying, hiring, and acclimating nontraditional professional candidates (including retirees, individuals returning to the workforce, and those transitioning from corporate or government positions)
Filter, review, and vet candidates
Present a recommended short list of candidates who best fit the needs of the organization
Contingent, contract, fractional staffing, or other options for particular needs
Fee structures are listed below. Retainer arrangements are an option.
Provide job seekers with expert advice, consultation, and placement assistance
Utilize Blaisdell Consult, LLC and Workforce, LLC professional networks
For Organizations
Hiring a person who perfectly fits an existing need or a future opportunity can position a nonprofit for success. Managing the process internally can consume a tremendous amount of staff and board time, and can be both inefficient and costly. Too many hires prove unsuccessful because of problems with overly ambitious (or ambiguous) position requirements, overstated experience and expertise, unrealistic financial expectations or a lack of adequate resources. Staff members move away or have family considerations which cause them to resign. Whatever the reason for a resignation, the hiring process must begin again.
GuideStar lists 3000+ non-profit organizations in Greater Richmond alone. ConnectVA, a service of The Community Foundation, can have as many as 100 listings on any given day. The average tenure of nonprofit staff member is estimated to be less than a year and a half. Failed searches, unsuccessful hires and talent lured away by better offers are extraordinarily costly for nonprofits. Conventional thinking about what the organization needs or what constitutes a good hire can be equally costly. Many organizations are always in hiring mode. Quantifying all resources expended -- including the cost of not focusing 100% on the organization’s mission we believe will surprise you.
Fees For Organization Services
Organization-wide Assessment *
$1500 Human Resources and Staffing
Key data review
Interview organization's leadership
Provide SWOT analysis
Recommend skillsets and experience
Org chart review; structure and tenure
Draft position description
* Does not include Development or Fundraising
Search Only
Executive - Negotiable
Professional Staff - 6% of salary
Support Staff $2750
Consulting Assessment, including Search & Placement
Interview organization's leadership
Key data review
Provide SWOT analysis
Recommend skillsets and experience
Org chart review; structure and tenure
Draft position description
Executive - Negotiable
Professional Staff $1500 + 6% Salary
Support Staff $4250
Human Resources: Contingent, contract, or fractional -
Negotiable, dependent upon position
For Individuals
Our Career Mentoring can help you find a good match for your skillset and experience, keeping the search confidential if you wish. We can assess your strengths, help you re-design your resume, and include you in relevant searches. Submit your resume, in confidence to:
e.g. President; CEO; Vice President; Executive Director; Associate VP; Major Gifts Officer; Planned Giving Director; Annual Giving Officer, Stewardship Director; Campaign Director; Communications and Marketing
With Nonprofit Experience
Personal interview
Skills assessment
Resume review and revision
Discussion of options and opportunities
Understanding of requirements to successfully do the job
Without Nonprofit Experience
Personal interview
Skills assessment
Resume review and revision
Understanding of requirements to successfully do the job
Discuss ion of options and opportunities
Support Staff
e.g. Executive or Administrative Assistants; Data Managers; Database Specialists; Board Liaison; Donor Relations; Annual Fund Manager; Office Support Specialists
With Nonprofit Experience
Resume review, qualifying interviews
Understanding of requirements to successfully do the job
Discussion of options and opportunities
Without Nonprofit Experience
Consulting interview session
Skills assessment
Resume review and revision
Review marketing skills and prior experience Discussion of options and opportunities